The Marshmallow Experiment

The marshmallow experiment is a famous test of this concept conducted by Walter Mischel at Stanford University and discussed by Daniel Goleman in his popular work. In the 1960s, a group of four-year olds were given a marshmallow and promised another, only if they could wait 20 minutes before eating the first one. Some children could wait and others could not.

The researchers then followed the progress of each child into adolescence, and demonstrated that those with the ability to wait were better adjusted and more dependable.

Giant of a man

His name is Nick Vujicic and he’s 25 years old. He was born without arms or legs and given no medical reason for this condition. Faced with countless challenges and obstacles, God has given him the strength to surmount what others might call impossible. Along with that, the Lord has placed within him an unquenchable passion to share this same hope and genuine love that he’s personally experienced with more than two million people all over the globe. Traveling extensively to over 19 nations, he’s been extremely humbled by the continuous opportunities that the Lord has given him to share his testimony along with the hope that he has in Jesus with people in so many nations and situations. His greatest joy in this life is to introduce Jesus to those he meets and tell them of His great desire to get to know them personally by allowing Him to become their Lord and Savior. 

Soccer Partner

Showed Julian this clip..

Mummy : Do you want daddy and mummy to give you a baby?

Julian : I want.

Mummy : Do you want to play with baby?

Julian : I want.

Mummy : What would you like to give baby to eat?

Julian : (grinning) Mushroom…

Daddy : Do you want to share your chocolate with baby?

Julian : I want!

Mummy : Would you like to share Nak Nak (Julian’s way of saying mummy’s milk) with baby?

Julian : No. No. (and wriggle himself out of daddy’s arms)