Coffee Session at School

Today there was a coffee session with Ju’s teachers and other parents in school.

A few parents came and approach us and ask is Julian our son. They all said Julian is like the mascot of the school. Whenever they see him, he is always smiling or laughing, and will greet them with good mornings and bye byes… I did not really know how to react to that feedback so I just said, “Oh yes. He is indeed a happy boy and he really loves talking!”

Later on, we got to speak to Ju’s teacher who is in charge of teaching him sounds and numbers. She feedback that she finds it a challenge to work with Ju whenever she needs him to sit and concentrate for sounds. He would always be fidgeting, making noise, talking, tapping things…. At times she would be firm with him and have to use the ultimatum to get his concentration back, that is saying “Ok. If you don’t want to learn, I am not going to waste my time.” Then, Ju will guai guai sit down and concentrate for a good 2 mins!

This is what we experience at home too, and we used the ultimatum quite often too… not a good sign though… Teacher ask us to play silence game with him more consistently at home starting with short duration of time and slowly increasing it.

Hopefully in this one week school holiday, we will be able to work with him to appreciate silence more…

Sometimes I really wonder where his energies come from. I appreciate him being a happy, confident and vocal child, but many times I doubt is this hyperness in him too much… and will he feel miserable from me trying to suppress him from what he wants to do or say…

Mummy Overload

There are times I feel overloaded… with noise…

At this moment…

Jeanne crying her eyes out on the bed…

Ju imagining (under a pile of pillows) shouting “Mummy help! There is an earthquake! Please help me! Help! Help me mummy!”

John bathing…

Me preparing to go out for dinner… This is one of the times when I am not in the right mind to think positively, to smile, to talk, to try coping… I wish I can be deaf and dumb in this moment…

When John finished bathing, he took over Ju and I locked myself in a room to sling Jeanne in and nursed her to sleep.

She finally slept, I cried, John saw my red eyes, Ju asked “Mummy are you tiired?” and I could not talk. John brought Ju out to buy dinner back instead.

Yes I am emotional, I crave for silence at times, I really do…

A message for me

Mentally tired again, thinking about Julian and myself as I was lying down on the bed while waiting for Ju to fall asleep. Picked up a book ” Positive Discipline for Preschoolers by Jane Nelson” and continued from where I stopped reading. The first paragraph that I read was this…

Think for just a moment, though: your son is demonstrating a number of wonderful qualities. He is courageous and not afraid to try new things. He is able to connect ideas and actions, and he hurtles through life with excitement and curiousity. The same traits that exhaust you today may be just the traits that will make him a successful, capable adult later on.

This message is god sent. I need to be nourished again.