Nice Nice Pebbles

Petite dad was home from France on Saturday and I finally have a peaceful chance to sit down and blog. Petite dad brought gifts back for us. 20 different pebbles from the pebble beach in Nice for Julian and a pretty musical box from Avignon for me.


Julian loves pebbles, especially after a walk around Paragon rooftop pebble garden (situated on level 6, at Paragon Medical centre side) a few months ago. I would love to recommend this place on top of the available indoor playgrounds to all who are looking for a place for your little ones to try adventure walking within Orchard Road. It’s fun for toddlers!


Goat Farm and Vege Farm Visit!

Thanks to Chan Yeow and Genevieve who had organized and invited us to an outing to Hay Dairies Goat Farm today. And also thanks to Terence and Agnes who came to my in-law’s place to fetch Julian and I.

Today’s trip was a real good memorable one. We would love to look forward to our next chance to visit the Kranji countryside of Singapore again!



Waiting for Terence and Agnes at our void deck. Julian must be thinking why does he feel this extreme tiredness in him today. Look at his dreamy face…



Yeah! Julian is fully awake on a new ground! Met everyone at Hay Dairies and each family bought a pack of $2 hay for Goats’ breakfast later.



Goat milking! Being used to drinking mummy’s milk and fresh milk, Julian said “Moo Nak Nak. Psst, Psst, Psst” (one hand holding his breakfast for the goats, and his other hand showing the action of milking cow… which he had experience with the cows outside Vivocity Marche).

So engorged!



We all proceeded to the most exciting part of the day… GOAT FEEDING!

Julian patiently feeding one strand of hay at a time.


Julian: Open your mouth! Eat! Eat! Eat!



Our turn to eat… Snack breakfast…



We want lunch! The host suggested we go to a nearby kampong restaurant called Poison Ivy Bistro within Bollywood Veggies Farm.

This was my lunch… Pineapple rice. 

It was a waste that I did not manage to capture in photo the scene of all the kids running around (no high chair available), falls, lil bangings into each other, “fighting” over toys, books and territory, feeding, spitting, crying, and of cos laughing… Oh! So happening! Despite all these, we all agreed it was fun and not that stressful when everyone of us has a kid that played a part in the happening scene 🙂



We continued the day with a nature walk into the Vege farm.


Walk Walk Walk…



Julian found a stool…



Family potraits…

Julian and I  Terence & Agnes with Lil Max & Marianne   Chan Yeow & Genevieve with lil Dominic



Daddy bao bao!


Water parade!


Home Sweet Home!