Hakka Abacus Beads

My mother in law said she wanted to try making Hakka abacus beads as she had heard of how delicious and easy to prepare this dish is. So, i looked out for a recipe online and we tried it out today. Julian and I were in charge of making the beads and my mother in law frying the ingredients.

Julian had fun kneading this “edible playdoh”, and has mastered how to press a dent into the ball to make it shape like abacus.


Julian making “peanuts” and gave me a cheeky smile saying he wanted to eat the peanut.


Yummy abacus!

Julian said “Very nice! Ju Ju like!”


Daddy, can you smell it on your side? We shall try making this again when you come back!

Baking with Jo

Two days ago, we had Joanne and her boy, Josiah over at our place for a baking session. It was quite chaotic with the 2 boys bringing dripping spatula and egg shells everywhere, and we 2 mummies were busy juggling with them and trying to capture the best moment on our cameras.

It was a real fun and fulfilling session. We want to do it again next time with better planning!

The session went on way past the 2 boys nap time but they still looked so energetic and excited with the opportunity to bake a real cake.


Taking turns to break eggs…

Mixing the eggs together…


The boys were more curious in the turning bowl than what’s happening to the mixture inside.


Folding in the flour… more like stirring the flour


The best of all was the result which turns out to taste much better than what I had tried doing on my own previously.

Orange Cake Recipe


3medium-size oranges

230g sugar

6 eggs

140g cake flour

100g ground almonds

1 heaped tsp baking powder


1. Wash the oranges before boiling them whole for around 20mins.

2. When cool, puree them in a blender, orange peel and all.

3. Beat the eggs and sugar together until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture is light and fluffy.

4. Sift the flour and baking powder together and fold this into the beaten egg mixture along with the ground almonds. 

5. Gently mix in the blended oranges.

6. Pour into a lightly greased cake tin and bake in oven for about one hour at a temperature of 180 deg C.

7. Test whether the cake is cooked by inserting a knife or skewer – if wet cake mixture clings to the skewer, then bake a little longer.

8. Dust top with icing sugar and serve.