
Yesterday evening,  we attended our Godson, Isaiah’s full month celebration at Cindy & Damon’s home. Ju and Clare had a really great time playing with Damon’s transformers! Hope they did not dislocate any limbs of Godpa’s collections.. hee

When we return home, Ju took a paper and pen and told me he knows hoe to draw “people”.

Then he goes… “A big body, a head, eyes, nose, and a mouth and legs!”

Me: Where are the hands?

Ju added two lines to show the hands. Then he happily brought it to show John.

We were surprised and impressed with his achievement! Haha! This is the first time he draw a “people” that looks like a “people”!

I look forward to more drawings!

Sun and Spiders

Over the month, Ju had been highly interested in working with pens and papers… Espcially circular mazes or drawings. Sometimes he would scribble zig zag lines and say he is writing numbers and words. It is interesting to see how he progresses in his “writings”

On Thursday night at my in law’s place, he took Nai Nai’s notepad and asked me to draw a thunder to show him. When he took over the pen from me, he begun to draw a circle with lines around it and say “I draw a sun.”

When I saw it. I go “WOW!” This is the first time he is drawing something legible to us and thereafter he practiced and drew another 2 more suns.

06082009(002) 06082009(003) 06082009(004) 

Yesterday afternoon, Ju asked John’s brother, Noel for some papers for him to draw. He then drew this for Noel. He said “I draw a spider for Shu Shu.”

It’s amazing to see the additional 2 dots that he added in. Noel say it looks like Ka Zua (cockroach)! haha! 


Sleep in a boat!

We stayed over at John mum’s home over the weekend.


On Saturday night, John laid a small mattress beside the bed…

John : Ju, do you want to sleep in your bed?

Ju : (saw the mattress) Ju Ju’s boat!

John : You want to sleep in your boat?

Ju : Daddy buy boat for Ju Ju ok?

After the conversation, he kept himself busy placing our pillows over the mattress and making tunnels for himself.. in the end, he laid down on the mattress… tired…

He asked me to pat him to sleep and I did… and that’s it.. he fell asleep in his boat.. away from our bed for the first time! Willingly!!! Haha!!! A milestone!


He slept through the night without waking up till the next morning. 

We are going for boat shopping at Ikea tonight with Ju! Hopefully, soon John and I can have the bed back to ourselves… haha!

No more backaches, no more midnight kicks!

Julian’s Day 2 in school

Day 2 in school! Julian very quickly said bye bye to me when a teacher offered to bring him choose a scooping work to work on. When I went to fetch him after school ended, he gave endless bye byes to the teachers, chinese teacher, kor kors and jie jies in school.

On our way home from school, I asked Julian what he did in school today. He said, “Work!” Then he said, “Ju Ju drop the biscuit and the bird come and eat eat eat all the biscuit!” 

Back home, he took a long 4 hours nap (His nap usually last for maximum 3 hours)! He must be so tired “working” so hard in school.

During dinner, we talked to Julian about his school. Ju said,” Ju Ju throw ball… and then through the tunnel, and then the ball go home. After dinner, Ju went to his room and took out his mat and started rolling and unrolling it repeatedly on the floor skillfully. He said, “Ms Christina show you.” (He meant Ms Christina showed him how to do it.”

I am still very excited to hear what new experience he will tell us everyday after school. Is this a first child syndrome? Ha!

All these moments are something which I cannot recall for myself when I started school many years ago. I hope I am able to capture and record them so that in future Julian will be able to see the journey he had travelled.

Julian’s first day at school – Part 2

I was slightly early when I went to fetch Julian from school. I saw him walking around the dining table when I entered the school compound. (I found out from the teacher later that he was eyeing on the coloured cornflakes on the table. Ha!) Then a teacher called out to him “Julian, It’s time to go home. Mummy is here!” Julian then looked around for me with a blur look without realizing I was right at the gate entrance. He gave me a wide smile when he saw me. With the teacher’s assistance, he kept his work material, tucked in the chair under the table and then collected his water bottle. 

While the teacher was giving me her feedback on his first day, he sneaked out to the playground. The teacher’s feedback was… Ju did not cry at all. He was ok even after I left. No tantrums too. The teacher also said that he has a very strong will. When he chooses a work he like, he will finish it no matter how difficult it is. She said today that he was playing with syringe and water and the syringe was quite tough to pull. Ju was determined to try it out, which he did succeed and looked so skillful with it. Then I told her that it was because syringe is one of his bathtub toys at home so it was not new to him. That explains to her why Ju was so familiar with it. The teacher also said she saw Ju yawn a few times in school and he looked tired. It will take awhile for him to adjust to the early timing. 

I told the teacher about his “back to babyhood” tantrum behaviors recently. Not long after, Ju threw a mild tantrum at the playground, asking me to carry his water bottle for him. I asked him to walk over to pass me the water bottle and he started stamping his feet and having tantrum cries where he was standing. I stood at the gate and told him I am going off. He walked over to me reluctantly and ended his cries after handing me the bottle.  

While we were walking to the bus stop, I asked Ju what he learnt in school. He said, “Learn beads, learn ball, throw ball, got blue line, got red line,” and then started singing a Chinese song he learnt he school. So cute to see him vocalize about his day at school. Back at home when he was having his bathtub time, he played with his syringe and said “Mummy see Ju Ju work! (In school, they tell the kids that they are working instead of playing.) Ju Ju play syringe with water in Montessori school you know.” I am very glad to see him relate what he does with what he learnt from school.

Tomorrow is Day 2 and I hope Ju will enjoy his day as much as today 🙂

Julian’s first day at school – Part 1

I could not really sleep well last night, waking up several times in the middle of the night to check whether the sun has risen yet… as if it was my first day of school! Haha! 

This morning, Ju woke up smiling… remembering he was going to his Montessori school. No struggles in getting him to dress up, brush teeth and drink milk at all. What a good start for the day!

John and I sent Julian to school together. When we were nearing the school, John told Ju that daddy would be going to work and mummy would be somewhere nearby waiting to fetch him later when school ends. Ju said calmly, “No. Mummy follow Ju Ju to school. Mummy play with Ju Ju.” 

Upon reaching the school. There were no kids around yet. The staff were cleaning the furniture. Ju had a smiley face on him and was happy to put his water bottle to the designated rack. The teacher in charge came and greeted us and brought Ju to a rack to choose the work material he liked to work on. Then the teacher told Ju, “Daddy and mummy will be going to have coffee at the coffee shop outside ok? Would you like to say bye bye to daddy and mummy?” Ju looked up smiling and said “See you later!” to us. Haha! Then he went ahead to do his work. He was so engrossed in the new things there that I had to call him twice before saying “Bye Bye” to him. He also happily waved bye bye to us. Haha!

I was afraid over the past few days that he would cry as we left the school but that did not happen at all. Hmm… abit disappointed that he did not cry for us.. haha! WIERD feeling! So contradicting!

Here I am sitting in a MacDonalds nearby enjoying my peaceful hours… 

Thank God for the smooth morning!



Bones beware

John and I love to eat chicken feet. Each time I cook soup with chicken feet, both of us will be the first to finish them. Now we have got a new member in our family who is going to share the feet with us!

Julian seems to be enjoying chicken feet more than chicken drumsticks nowadays. Looking at how much he savours the feet, John and I sacrificed our share for him. We were overjoyed to see Ju’s ability to handle food with bones now. 

It’s a milestone again!


Lines and Zigzags

Recently, Julian has upgraded his scribbling style from loops and circles to lines and zigzags. He has 2 favourite books to scribble in. He will always say “Ju Ju do homework”, and bring his book to a corner and do his work.


These were our findings… Lines on pages with lines and zigzags on blank pages. I find it very fascinating to see his drawing skills progressing though unable to understand what he is drawing. He would say “See see! Ju Ju draw aeroplane… Ju Ju draw totoro… Ju Ju draw fireworks… etc” for each line he draws. 


Julian turns 2!

It felt like yesterday when Julian wriggled within my tummy, then became an helpless infant in our arms, slowly grew and learned to turn, crawl, walk, run and jump, and today… a happy, chatty little boy!

Time flies… Julian turned 2 on Friday! We had a family gathering with John’s family that night and a lunch out with my family the next day. 

Happy Birthday Julian!

May God bless you with bountiful graces to handle all the challenges ahead of you… Remember to always keep a smile in your heart and things will not be so tough after all…


Julian’s birthday drumstick!


These are our gifts for Julian…

First jump!

On Friday, Julian made his first jump! This is a skill in him which Petite dad and I had been eagerly watching out for. Julian had tried to jump on his own for the past many months but was unable to lift his two feet off the ground at the same time. 

Each new steps or skills that Ju achieves means a lot to me… It reminds me how fast he is growing up and all these had just created a page in my memory. I must treasure all his little gifts for me…

Julian, I love you! 


Ready! Get Set! Go!