Flower Picking

Few days ago, we went picking flowers along the grass field among the weeds…

Picked a bunch of these flowers.. look like dandelions but not sure are they of the same family..

When we reach home, Julian gave the flowers water…

The next day, the flowers look more alive…

Roller Blading in Carrefour

It has been about a month since I touched anything on this blog. 

Today, we were at Carrefour @ Suntec City shopping. What caught Julian’s attention was not the toy section but the bicycle and roller blades section. So, we decided that John will go shop for all the stuffs we needed to buy while I stay with Ju to play around that section.

Ju tried on the tricycles there but he was not able to paddle as his legs are not long enough. Poor him said, “I want to grow up and ride bicycle.

Then, we saw roller blading shoes on display! Ju had always been very interested in roller blading especially whenever he saw older kids doing the sport in parks or beach. I found the pair of smallest size roller blading shoes and asked him would he like to try on. Initially he said no but changed his mind shortly after and asked me to fit on him.

Look at his face after fitting the shoes on…


I held his hands and moved up and down the lane many times and he was so happy that he finally had a chance to do something the older kids are doing. He cannot balance himself, but I can see how much fun he had. There was a moment when he asked me to let go of his hands and he balanced standing still for about 3 seconds! He was delighted! He gave a wide smile and said “Mummy, Ju Ju can balance, you know!”

As for me, my poor feet was ran over by his shoes several times from holding his hands moving from one end to another.. Ha!

We had a good 30mins session roller blading there… Free of charge and fun! hee… There were other kids there trying out the shoes and also roller blading all around so it was not awkward for us…


SSO Concert in the Park

Our family was invited to join 3 other families for a picnic in Botanic Gardens today as SSO was holding a free outdoor concert. It was a pity that 1 of the families could not make it. In fact, we almost backed out last minute due to the wet weather earlier in the day but we were glad that we went!


The atmosphere was cool and the ground was drying up. Each family brought along some food and tidbits for the small picnic. Chips, sweets, grapes, bananas, Cider (for the adults) with homemade cupcakes and sandwiches… Yum! Apparently, we were not alone… Everyone in the park was in picnic mood! How fun it was!


Many people including my family were dressed in Singapore flag colours – red and white. We were hoping to win the mystery gift if spotted by SSO staff, but… it did not happen to us. John saw people receiving the mystery gift which is a SSO tote bag. Anyway, Julian and many other kids received a little Singapore flag.

This is what he did with his flags… stuck them into daddy’s sandals. Looks great too! 

A girl sitting in front of us fully enjoying the performance and imitating the conductor.


As for the younger kids… there was a bubble feast! Julian and our friends’ son were of course attracted to the bubbles. As they were chasing after bubbles, more kids around joined in the fun!

Here are busy daddies running after the kids!


Julian experimenting sliding down the slippery grass slope…

After an hour of performance, the picnic came to an end. 

As the adults were busy packing up, the kids somehow gathered and had a bubble finale!

Even the dog could not resist catching the bubbles! 


Going home…

A day out with guitar

Petite dad is picking up a new skill… That is playing the guitar! Today was his first lesson. Thanks to the instructor for allowing Julian and I to sit into the class for free! We had been telling Julian about it and he was very excited about it. He had been saying, “Ju Ju want play guitar.” everyday. So yesterday, I bought a mini toy guitar for him from a nearby provision shop for just $8.90.

Today, he brought his own guitar along just like Petite dad.

Before the class started, Julian fell asleep and woke up halfway through the session. The first thing he said when he woke up was, ” I want to play guitar with daddy.” There he went and took his guitar and sat on the sofa beside the instructor, and started playing on it. Everyone was amused and he became the youngest student in the class. This student did not sit and play for long. A short while later, he came down from the sofa and started his exploration around the area. 


After the class, we headed for mass and thereafter went to Esplanade as Petite dad wanted to get some guitar strings. There was a free performance going on… Its called Little Feet theatre, featuring a puppet show by an Italian lady, using her arms, legs and head. A fun and entertaining show indeed! While waiting for petite dad to get his stuff, Julian and I found a corner beside the stage and sat down together on the floor to watch the performance.  Julian enjoyed the show. He joined in the clapping and danced along with the lively music. At the end of the show, Julian took his guitar out and did his own mini performance on the spot. Seems like he’s having a great time with his guitar today.



Picnic in Vivocity

The weather has been rather hot these few days and outings tend to be more tiring in such condition. My past week was fully occupied with activities and outings almost everyday. On top of this, there was also my usual house chores and cooking and Julian that well occupied me daily. My body is complaining now… I feel physically drained…


Today was special to me. Petite dad and I last minute decided to have a dinner picnic by the waters in the Sky Park on top of Vivocity. I brought Julian to an hour of play time in Gymboree while waiting for Petite dad to come and meet us after his work. Then we bought food from the nearby Food Republic foodcourt and found a quiet, cool area and sat down to eat.


Julian was good. We could see his eagerness to go into the water to play like the other kids but obediently controlled himself when we told him we did not bring extra clothing for him today. All he did was walking around observing the surrounding happenings and come by for his food on and off.


One day I must bring him back there again to play… I am sure he will love it!

Picnic at Vivo

Nice Nice Pebbles

Petite dad was home from France on Saturday and I finally have a peaceful chance to sit down and blog. Petite dad brought gifts back for us. 20 different pebbles from the pebble beach in Nice for Julian and a pretty musical box from Avignon for me.


Julian loves pebbles, especially after a walk around Paragon rooftop pebble garden (situated on level 6, at Paragon Medical centre side) a few months ago. I would love to recommend this place on top of the available indoor playgrounds to all who are looking for a place for your little ones to try adventure walking within Orchard Road. It’s fun for toddlers!


Goat Farm and Vege Farm Visit!

Thanks to Chan Yeow and Genevieve who had organized and invited us to an outing to Hay Dairies Goat Farm today. And also thanks to Terence and Agnes who came to my in-law’s place to fetch Julian and I.

Today’s trip was a real good memorable one. We would love to look forward to our next chance to visit the Kranji countryside of Singapore again!



Waiting for Terence and Agnes at our void deck. Julian must be thinking why does he feel this extreme tiredness in him today. Look at his dreamy face…



Yeah! Julian is fully awake on a new ground! Met everyone at Hay Dairies and each family bought a pack of $2 hay for Goats’ breakfast later.



Goat milking! Being used to drinking mummy’s milk and fresh milk, Julian said “Moo Nak Nak. Psst, Psst, Psst” (one hand holding his breakfast for the goats, and his other hand showing the action of milking cow… which he had experience with the cows outside Vivocity Marche).

So engorged!



We all proceeded to the most exciting part of the day… GOAT FEEDING!

Julian patiently feeding one strand of hay at a time.


Julian: Open your mouth! Eat! Eat! Eat!



Our turn to eat… Snack breakfast…



We want lunch! The host suggested we go to a nearby kampong restaurant called Poison Ivy Bistro within Bollywood Veggies Farm.

This was my lunch… Pineapple rice. 

It was a waste that I did not manage to capture in photo the scene of all the kids running around (no high chair available), falls, lil bangings into each other, “fighting” over toys, books and territory, feeding, spitting, crying, and of cos laughing… Oh! So happening! Despite all these, we all agreed it was fun and not that stressful when everyone of us has a kid that played a part in the happening scene 🙂



We continued the day with a nature walk into the Vege farm.


Walk Walk Walk…



Julian found a stool…



Family potraits…

Julian and I  Terence & Agnes with Lil Max & Marianne   Chan Yeow & Genevieve with lil Dominic



Daddy bao bao!


Water parade!


Home Sweet Home!